Many people who are looking for a freelance medical writer typically have a lot of questions. Here's just a few questions I commonly receive. This page is a work in progress, so feel free to bookmark it and check back soon.

How do you charge?

Projects are typically charged a flat rate or a per-word fee. These rates are based on the scope of the project. If you already have a set fee that you offer to your freelancers for each project, we can discuss that rate to see if it's agreeable on both ends.

Can you travel to the office?

As a freelance medical writer, I prefer working remotely if at all possible. If a project requires a temporary in-house presence, or if you need a medical writer to attend a meeting or conference, I can certainly come your way. Travel expenses may be discussed.

I need a freelance medical writer for a project. How can I get in touch with you?

You can email me or call/text me at any time. My phone number is listed at the bottom of this screen. I respond to emails and texts quickly, even on weekends.